How do I get the Free promotional game(s) I qualify for? How do I get the Free promotional game(s) I qualify for?

How do I get the Free promotional game(s) I qualify for?

Evan Evan

Once you receive your new CLX system and it qualifies for one of our many different free game promotions based on either AMD, NVIDIA or Intel specific hardware, the only thing that you will need to do is send us an email at, with the title: Free Game Promotion (Order Number), and we can send you the game codes, along with instructions to download and redeem those games.


Please note that these games will only be redeemable for the period listed directly by AMD, Intel, or Nvidia, if you try and claim a free game bundle after the period, we will not be able to send out any codes.


If you do not have access to your order number, you can also reply with the 40001000xxxxxx Custom number that is on the blue and white sticker on the back of the computer. 

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